COE press

So, the single “The City Of You” has been out for a week! These were the first blogs to catch on:



Everything else single-related you will find at centuryofecstasy.com

Had a pretty busy week mixing and rehearsing, and sorting out my application for a Master of Arts program in Music Production! Mixing-wise, I sort of finished the mix of “SPF 25”, at least for now, and started working on another track off the Sagan Om Alltings Förträfflighet album, called “Dötid”. I revisited the Jean and the Mean Machine album, and I will spend a few more hours on it next week, before sending mixes to the band. The songwriting sessions with Bella Sohlberg and Gustav Löfstrand continued to be fruitful, and we’re planning to shoot a live session sometime in April or May. I also rehearsed with Anton Näslund and the band is starting to sound really good and together. Anton has written some new songs, and they’re all really good. It’ll be fun recording them soon!

Busy week

This week has started out pretty busy with rehearsals, mixing at home and a big band recording in the big studio. Monday marked the first rehearsal/songwriting jam of the year with Bella Sohlberg and Gustav Löfstrand. We’ve started a new group together that is yet to be named. We’ll focus on writing a lot of new material during the first half of 2014, and then hopefully play some shows in the second half. Tuesday marked this year’s first rehearsal with Anton Näslund, who brought in a couple of new songs which we (the band) tried to arrange and play. Anton plans on recording three new songs in the next couple of months, so there will be a few more rehearsals before moving into the studio.

Last night I assisted a big band recording in KMH’s (Royal College of Music) Studio 1 and got to sit behind the magnificent SSL Duality desk and hit record/stop and push some faders. Pretty easy task and quite enjoyable hearing the thirteen-piece brass section coming out of the speakers. In between doing all of this the last few days, I’ve also spent some time at home mixing the upcoming debut Sagan Om Alltings Förträfflighet single “SPF 25”. I’m already quite pleased with what I’m hearing, but I’m going to work on it in a few more studios before I know I’ve got it down.

SOAF vocals done!

So this new year started with me entering the vocal booth and laying down the last bit of vocals on the debut Sagan Om Alltings Förträfflighet record. I had just one more track to finish after having recorded vocals on eleven tracks in the summer of 2013. Next I will do some additional production work and try out a few overdubs before moving on to mixing the damn thing! It feels really great to be done with the vocals though. It’s been quite a bit of work doing all of them myself, and stressful having to worry about countless, never ending colds getting in the way of finishing this record. With the vocals out of the way, the road ahead looks a bit more straight.