
Had a super busy week after the Easter holidays. I spent most of it rehearsing with Bella Sohlberg and Gustav Löfstrand for our upcoming live video shoot this Friday. We will perform five brand new songs and the guys from Stockholm Sessions will film it for us. We have actually been arranging our songs these last few days, working on the electronic beats and choosing instruments and sounds and trying to figure out what parts we are going to play. It’s gone really well so far and we pretty much know how we’re going to perform four out of five songs, and there’s two more rehearsals to figure out what to do with the last song.

I sat down with Hugo Lundgren a couple of times this week to listen to the takes from our recording session at Riksmixningsverket. There were somewhere around ten takes for each of the four songs that we recorded, and they all differed slightly, partly because we played them live without a click track. We actually tried a few takes with click track as well, but listening back to them now, they seemed to lack a bit of energy and liveliness. There were a few other really good takes though, and Hugo has picked his favorites now and will continue with overdubs of guitars and different keyboard instruments. He’s also planning to record live strings and then we’ll probably try to do the vocals again with singers Bella Sohlberg and  Julia Jonas. They both did such an amazing job performing more than forty takes in one day when we recorded the rhythm tracks, without losing either their voices or their energy.